I’ve been a member of the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers for years. I’ve achieved my Associate and am working towards my Masters. I’ve been awarded the title of SA Family Photographer of the Year 2014 and SA Wedding Photographer of the Year 2013. I continue to educate myself through the AIPP’s Professional Development program and I never stop learning.
And I do all this not for the accolades or the pats on the back – but to help my clients determine who is a good choice for them – to help them wade through the ridiculously over saturated market which is newborn and family photography today. To stand out from the ‘back yarders’, to give my clients a sense of security amongst the myriad of bad press photographers receive. And rightly so – there are far too many dodgies out there for my liking. For far too long it’s almost been embarrassing to say “I’m a professional photographer” because it meant nothing. Anyone could say they were a ‘professional’.
But you know what makes me really really excited??? The announcement last night that the AIPP has been formally recognised as a membership organisation for PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS!
This is an externally validated and certified accreditation standard. No longer is the AIPP a membership body for those who could be bothered joining, have the skills to join or the finances, but now, we can shout from the roof tops when asked “who says you’re a professional?” – THE AIPP DOES!
I’ve always been proud to be a member of the AIPP. But now I’ll be showing it off even more. Because now it means even more than ever.
For more details of what it really means to be an Accredited Professional Photographer, head HERE. The code of conduct we must abide by can be found HERE.
And remember – look for the logo. And choose wisely.