Looking for a fuss free but beautiful celebration of your pregnancy? Our Maternity Mini Sessions are perfect! Held at our Edwardstown Studio once a month.
They are tiny for such a short time. We book your date based on your due date and can adjust if needed. Our calendar fills quickly, please book early.
Our family sessions are held at any of our outdoor locations or at our Edwardstown Studio. No matter the time year, there is a location for every family.
A fabulously fun way to celebrate the first birthday. Updated family images are included and then the fun (mess) begins!
our products are the icing on the cake. beautifully designed, impecibally crafted and full of heart and soul to make your house a home.
It’s fabulous to meet you.
I wanted to pop some evidence here of my greatest work – my family – and how I practice what I preach and I get in the damn photos, double chins and bad hair days and all.
These photographs are my greatest investment in my motherhood journey, and for my children to remember a childhood FULL of fun and a mum and dad who loved them more than life itself.
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It look Johann a little bit of time to warm up (check him out hiding behind momma!) but we got there and the results are delicious. If you’d like to see the results of this gorgeous family’s album, check out on instagram. Kate x
This incredible little family, I photographed little Ariel when she was a tiny babe, and now perfect little Iris is here too. How divine 🙂 Kate x
Hi little guy! How perfect are you? Kate x
Thanks for coming guys! It was awesome to meet you all and Abby was amazing with her little sister! Thanks again. Kate
28 Raglan Avenue, Edwardstown, South Australia, 5039
0419 809 570
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© 2022 Kate & Co Pty Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Family & Newborn Photography Adelaide | ABN 19 840 290 028 | T&CS | PRIVACY | A KREATOLOGY KREATION
The team at Kate & Co acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia. We recognise that First Nations’ sovereignty was never ceded and their connection to land, waters and culture is continuing. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. This always was, and always will be Aboriginal Land.