Looking for somewhere to create? To meet? To chat? To gather?
100 square meters of space for being creative, whatever that means to you.
This is the SPACE.
The Shed is a purpose built space for creatives of all genres.
The space boasts a 22 sqm cyclorama inside an airconditioned (and heated), lined 100 sqm industrial shed in Edwardstown, South Australia.
Available at $285 + gst for full day hire (9-5pm)
The Shed hire is for the space only. Please ensure that you have all other equipment required for your project.
Some items such as backdrop stands and lights may be hired – just ask what we have available.
The Shed does not have kitchen facilities, or bathroom, and these are available for use at the front Studio (Kate & Co) during business hours.
Please note that The Shed has over-head skylights, and it’s important to note if these will impact with your project lighting.