Life is such a wonderful adventure.
It can change in the blink of an eye, or slowly over time. Sometimes it just takes a bit of confidence to make a decision, and start something new.
It is with a deep breath and a big fat grin on my face, that I start this new adventure. I am sure it will be as fun and as wonderful as my adventure with Head in the Clouds, where I have had the privilege of meeting the most beautiful families and couples and sharing in a few special moments in their lives.
Today is also my baby girl’s 5th Birthday. It is a significant day for so many reasons, and whilst I leave the comfort and security of a wonderful business behind me, it is with only excitement and confidence that I begin this new chapter of my career.
My journal is where I will share my work, my family, my dreams and stories.
If you’d like to look through my posts from my previous blog with Head in the Clouds, just head here.
Stay tuned. A great adventure is about to begin.
[typography font=”Reenie Beanie” size=”24″ size_format=”px” color=”#6b6b6b”]Kate xx[/typography]